Islwyn Scout Parc
Newbridge, Caerphilly CBC
Originally opened in the late 1970’s, the Islwyn Scout Parc offers both indoor and outdoor camping and training facilities of Scouts from around the world.
In 2008 the Management Committee decided that it was time to look to replace and update the buildings and other facilities at the Parc. To this end they applied to the Caerphilly county Borough Council for a Technical Support Grant in order to draw up an initial scheme. When completed this scheme required further work in order to that it would meet all the requirements of the Scouts, Disability Discrimination Acts, and Building Regulations. This practice was approached to undertake this work which was patricianly funded by a further Technical Support Grant and partially by the Scouts themselves. During this period the Scout Association in Wales undertook some boundary re-organisation and the Scout Districts of Caerphilly, Rhymney Valley and Islwyn were merged to form the CRAI District Scout Council. A new District Commissioner was appointed and he initially was very supportive of the project.
Option 1 – Replacement for the Chalet and Toilet Block in brick construction, & retaining the Activity Barn off to the right.
Option 2 – Replacement for the Chalet and Toilet Block with a log cabin construction, linking to the Activity Barn off to the right which would be over-clad in log.
However after several thousands of pounds of Grant aid and £2.5k of the Charity’s own money had been spent the District Commissioner unilaterally determined that the project should not proceed thus breaking the contract between the District Scout Council and ourselves. Six months after this, the District Commissioner was promoted the Area Commissioner for Mid-Glamorgan Area Scout Council, a post he held for only six months before leaving the Scout Association.